
The state will cultivate a new steel central enterprise group

On July 16, the State Council Information Office held a press conference on the economic performance of central enterprises in the first half of 2021. Peng Huagang, secretary general and spokesperson of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, stated that in the first half of the year, central enterprises achieved a total net profit of 1023.21 billion yuan, the first breakthrough. The half-year trillion mark, an increase of 133.3% year-on-year. Cumulative net profit and monthly net profit both hit record highs.

He said that in the next step, he will strive to complete 70% this year and basically complete the reform tasks before July 1 next year to ensure the realization of the three-year action goal. According to his disclosure, the next step will be to steadily promote the reorganization and integration of central enterprises in industries such as steel and transmission and distribution equipment manufacturing, and actively cultivate new central enterprise groups in related fields in a timely manner.

Promote the reorganization and integration of central enterprises in industries such as steel and transmission and distribution equipment manufacturing

Peng Huagang said that in the next step, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission will implement the deployment of opinions on promoting the optimization and structural adjustment of the state-owned economy in the new era, adhere to the principle of marketization, comply with laws and regulations, and actively and steadily guide the central enterprises to do a good job in restructuring.

First, in terms of strategic reorganization, in accordance with the needs of industrial development, in accordance with the principle of one mature household and one household promoted, steadily promote the reorganization and integration of central enterprises in steel, transmission and distribution equipment manufacturing and other industries, and actively cultivate timely formation in related fields The new central enterprise group.

Second, in terms of professional integration, the goal is to strengthen and refine the business, with dominant companies as the main body, vigorously promote professional integration through free transfers, paid acquisitions, joint-stock cooperation, etc., and effectively enhance the allocation of resources through optimized allocation of resources. The core competitiveness of the enterprise is to build a world-class enterprise with global competitiveness.

Third, in terms of promoting integration and integration, the newly formed, newly incorporated, and newly reorganized central enterprises must be urged to take further effective measures to increase the integration of internal resources, explore synergies, improve the efficiency of resource allocation, and realize reforms as soon as possible. The desired goal.

By the end of the "14th Five-Year Plan", we will strive to build a group of industry leading enterprises

Peng Huagang said that the central enterprises’ "14th Five-Year Plan" outline and the national state-owned assets system layout adjustment and optimization plan have been released. The next step will be to strengthen the implementation of the plan to ensure the implementation of the planning tasks.

During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, at the level of the national state-owned asset system, firstly, we will focus on optimizing the industrial layout of state-owned capital and guide state-owned capital to further concentrate in important industries and key areas. The second is to focus on optimizing the regional distribution of state-owned capital, serving regional major strategies, regional coordinated development strategies, and major functional area strategies. The third is to focus on the adjustment of the state-owned capital structure, promote the common development of multiple ownership systems, strengthen efficient cooperation between all parties, deepen strategic reorganization and professional integration, and realize the market-oriented and legalized flow of state-owned capital.

At the level of central enterprises, we will strive to start a new journey of high-quality development and accelerate the construction of world-class enterprises. By the end of the "14th Five-Year Plan", we must strive to build a number of industry-leading enterprises, a number of technological innovation leaders, and a number of leading enterprises. "Specialized, Specialized and New" champion enterprises, and a group of backbone enterprises with basic guarantee.

Hierarchical classification to promote mixed reforms

Peng Huagang said that in the reform of mixed ownership, we must adhere to the principle of "three causes, three suitable and three no", and measures should be adapted to local conditions, business conditions, and enterprise conditions. There should be no one-size-fits-all approach and no lalang matching.

The reform of stratification and classification should be highlighted.

Stratification, that is, the group company level and the secondary and tertiary company levels, require different measures. For central enterprise group companies, more are diversified reforms.

Classification, that is, to further promote market-oriented reforms for highly competitive industries, and for enterprises held by state-owned capital investment and operation companies, it is also the focus of mixed ownership reforms.

It is necessary to actively and steadily advance mixed-use reforms one by one with one strategy. Through mixed reform, further improve governance and further establish and improve market-oriented operating mechanisms.

Three aspects to prevent the risk of central enterprises' bonds

Peng Huagang said that at the end of June, the debt-to-asset ratio of central enterprises was 64.9%, a decrease of 1 percentage point year-on-year, and remained stable as a whole, with debt risks under control as a whole. In recent years, there has not been a single bond default incident in a central enterprise.

He pointed out that the next step is to continue to do a good job in debt risk management and control of central enterprises.

One is to control the debt ratio. Set warning lines and control lines in accordance with the industry to implement classified management and control. One enterprise, one policy determines the annual target of the debt ratio and follows it up to keep the overall debt level of central enterprises stable.

The third is to control high-risk businesses. It is necessary to strictly control the risks of non-main business low-margin commodity trading business, strictly control business risks such as financial derivatives, financing guarantees, and PPP, and resolutely prohibit financing trading businesses.

In terms of preventing bond risks, the first is to strictly restrict the proportion of bond issuance, strictly control the proportion of high-risk corporate bonds in interest-bearing debt and the proportion of short-term bonds in bonds, and prevent the risk of centralized redemption.

The second is to strictly enforce the use of bond funds, focus on the main business industry, strictly prohibit idle transfer of funds, deviate from the real and false, and strictly prohibit the misappropriation of funds for illegal arbitrage.

The third is to strengthen bond risk monitoring, focusing on the bond default risk of companies with severe operating losses and tight cash flow, and make arrangements for redemption funds in advance.

The fourth is to establish a credit protection fund to encourage enterprises to steadily resolve the risk of bond default in accordance with the principles of marketization, legalization, and internationalization.

Central enterprises must actively participate in the construction of the national energy rights and carbon emission rights trading market

Peng Huagang said that central enterprises should steadily promote the establishment of low-carbon development systems and mechanisms, promote enterprises to establish and improve carbon asset management systems, actively participate in the construction of national energy rights and carbon emission rights trading markets, and carry out carbon emissions reporting and information disclosure in accordance with the law. , SASAC supports enterprises to develop market-oriented energy-saving methods such as integrated energy services and contract energy management, guides enterprises to build an investment and financing system compatible with carbon peaks and carbon neutrality, and develop green financial products and business innovation.

He said that at present, some central enterprises have established professional institutions for carbon asset management, have carried out carbon emission statistics, accounting, inventory and other work, and are actively participating in carbon emissions trading. Central enterprises in key industries such as energy and steel have also invested in carbon trading institutions in Beijing, Shanghai, Hubei and other places. In the whole process, the central enterprises are very active, whether it is from the establishment of rules, the establishment of the market, to participation in carbon trading.

Peng Huagang said that the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) attaches great importance to carbon peaking and carbon neutral actions, and is now actively studying and formulating relevant opinions and plans to promote central enterprises to better play a role in carbon peaking and carbon neutral actions. The next step is to steadily advance the green and low-carbon transformation of the industrial structure, steadily advance the optimization of the energy structure, steadily advance the efficient and intensive use of energy resources, and steadily advance the application of green and low-carbon technologies.

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